Madame, I resent the insinuation that I am listening to anyone other than the very good people at our federal mediation and conciliation service and the CIRB. Theirs are the opinions that count for me.
If FETCO is asking for 18 months, that's fine. I can tell you that the people I worry about and the people who I have more respect for in the public service than anybody are the people at the table who reach those deals. They say they need 18 months. That, therefore, is my priority. That is 18 months.
Also, may I correct you? The negotiating table is terribly complicated, and when an addition of a ban on replacement workers is introduced to what is already a tremendously complicated process, yes, it is complicated. It does take time. This is hard work. I got to witness it myself on many occasions. Eighteen months is what they say they need; 18 months is, right now, standing before you. That's what I am offering.