When you see a replacement worker or scab crossing your picket line to go to work, of course that provides a significant amount of anger and frustration. We know that where replacement workers are utilized there's a significant division within the community, sometimes within families, especially in smaller communities and communities where there's one main employer and people work at that location.
We have seen violence on picket lines and we have seen incitement of workers and incitement of scabs, quite frankly, as well as management crossing the picket lines. People are struggling to put groceries on the table while they're on strike because, again, these are not quick decisions as to whether you're going to walk a picket line. To then be demoralized by having your employer rub salt in that wound by not offering you a fair deal and then hiring scabs and often paying them more than what they are paying you right now to break that strike is incredibly demoralizing.
It's been over 30 years since I was personally on a picket line but I can tell you every single person who walked that picket line with me and I can tell you every single person who crossed that picket line. That's well over 30 years ago.