To say that you don't want strikes is pretty heavy-handed, because the right to strike is a recognized right.
When it comes to supply chains and economic interest, the workers you hire in your organizations are essential, fundamentally. We're in a labour shortage situation, and there are no more qualified workers. The right to strike is a legitimate right. Taking away employees' right to strike on the pretext that they are needed does not, in our view, contribute to healthy labour relations. There has to be a balance of power.
As we've shown, conflicts last much longer. There are currently two lockouts in Quebec. At the Port of Quebec, the lockout has been going on for over 18 months, and replacement workers are being called in. It's all well and good for the employer, but operations are not disrupted because other people are doing the work. In Gatineau too, Vidéotron's call centre employees have been locked out for 18 months. Meanwhile, jobs are being relocated and replacement workers are being called in.
Mr. Lewis, do you really consider that the use of replacement workers contributes to harmonious labour relations?