Thank you very much for the opportunity to answer that question.
We think that obviously shortens labour disputes for the simple reason that money is king. That's the way it is for workers and employers. Positions may be diametrically opposed at the start of a negotiation when a dispute's in the offing. We basically want to resolve issues at the bargaining table. That's what workers and employers want, and most issues are in fact resolved at the bargaining table.
The positions of both workers and employers often soften as the weeks go by, and people reach compromises. It eventually just becomes time to resolve the dispute. Disputes put pressure on families as well. I have to say that divorces and suicides occur when labour disputes drag on. Labour disputes are hard to live through. People don't do it for fun; they do it because they believe in something, in an ideal.
That's true of both workers and employers. If an employer imposes a lockout, it does so for its own reasons, and they have to be respected. Then a balance has to be maintained during negotiations. I can assure you that people are often more understanding a few weeks later and both sides look for a solution.
So it doesn't lengthen disputes; it shortens them.