Thank you. I'm going to go back to my time here.
What we have seen here today is the minister answering every single question with the same response. If you're just watching this....
People are looking for some answers, Minister. With all due respect, this is your file. That's done. What you've been doing for the last hour here or however long we have been here, is done.
The disability amount is $6 a day. It's $200 a month. When the former minister, Ms. Qualtrough, testified in this committee about Bill C-22 on October 31, 2022, she said, “It really will lift a significant number of people out of poverty, big time.”
People are watching at home. They can't afford to live. An Ontario man is applying for MAID because he's homeless. People with disabilities are applying for MAID.
Give Canadians some answers here today. It's been asked around this table multiple times: Do you think $6 a day is going to lift people out of poverty, or was your former minister wrong?