Thank you, Mr. Chair.
It is correct to say that we listened carefully to the unions. A majority of them, including the Confédération des syndicats nationaux, or CSN, the United Steelworkers, and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, or CUPE, were very clear about the importance of reducing the time from 90 to 45 days to make sure their right to strike is preserved within a reasonable time.
I am therefore going to oppose this subamendment, which does not reflect the requests made. It reduces the time from 90 to 82 days, that is, by only eight days. In my opinion, it needs to be reduced to 45 days, and we can do that.
If there is a genuine desire not to interfere with employees' right to strike, we cannot preserve the 90-day time. Ninety days is unreasonable, as 82 days would be. That is why I oppose the subamendment and support the amendment proposed by the NDP, which is identical to Bloc Québécois amendment BQ‑1.