Thank you very much.
On the subamendment, we had originally chosen 90 days to ensure that this process did not infringe on the right to strike. Most of the time it takes more than 90 days to be in a strike position.
During committee, we heard from unions that the maintenance of activities process could delay their right to strike. We listened, we did the math and in good faith we're proposing a subamendment to reduce the CIRB's decision-making timeline to 82 days. That's why we're bringing forward a subamendment to reduce the CIRB decision-making time on maintenance of activities issues to no less than 82 days. That really is the shortest possible time we could see for a union get to the strike position. Therefore, it will not delay a union's right to strike.
With this change, unions that respect the timelines laid out in the bill will not see their right to strike delayed a single day, even if the CIRB takes the full 82 days to make a decision.
Further, we heard in testimony that it was currently 155 days. We were proposing 90. We're proposing 82 after extensive dialogue to make sure that the CIRB can get the job done.
Thank you.