Seeing no further discussion, I'm going to call for a recorded vote on the subamendment, as proposed by Mr. Sheehan, to the NDP amendment.
(Subamendment agreed to: yeas 10; nays 1 [See Minutes of Proceedings])
We're on amendment NDP-1 as amended.
If the committee decision on NDP-1 as amended is to carry it, then the amendment by Madame Chabot is non-debatable.
Seeing no discussion, I'm going to call a recorded vote on the amendment submitted by Mr. Boulerice, which has been amended by Mr. Sheehan.
(Amendment as amended agreed to: yeas 10; nays 1 [See Minutes of Proceedings])
Shall clause 6 as amended carry?
(Clause 6 as amended agreed to)
(On clause 7)
Shall clause 7 carry?
Mr. Sheehan, go ahead on clause 7.