With respect, the policies we're committing to are not identical. This is—as many observers will tell you—the most ambitious housing plan that Canada has seen in half a century. This is a different and more substantive plan than what was put out in 2017, because we've seen, in the last few years, affordability challenges mount at an extraordinary pace.
We want to do more to address this changing landscape. That's why we have significantly more tax measures to increase the pace of homebuilding. It's why we're working with municipalities to reduce barriers to building. It's why we're putting measures on the table to help young people get into the market, if they want to become owners, and to help build more rental stock to bring the price down, if they want to remain renters.
There are unique challenges that exist today that are different fundamentally from what existed even three years ago and not just nine years ago. We need to continue to adapt and increase our ambition if we're going to meet the needs of young people today.
I'm not asking them just to believe our words. I'm asking them to look at our plan and to see themselves in it.