I believe it's too early to see any impact on it yet. Our program basically is to get them established with VAC, to get them some financial support coming in, and then, in a lot of cases, we help to find them an apartment. Once we can get them off the street, we usually will furnish an apartment for them. We'll get them bedding and dishes and get them started. The impact...? It's wait and see.
I haven't seen any change yet in the numbers coming to us, because we're also expanding across the country. As we expand, we're finding more. The difficulty is those veterans who don't go to shelters. They're not on the street; they're living in friends' basements or in their cars. We're finding that women are not comfortable going to shelters, especially when they have children, and they will go to a friend's house. They will stay there for a while and then maybe go to another friend's house or a family member's house, or we've found some who are living in their car with their children.
As for an impact, I have not seen anything yet, but my fingers are crossed that it will make a difference.