I'll just ask a general question and the witnesses can determine who's best to answer.
I want to start by saying thank you to the member for bringing this forward. I think this study is so essential and so important today in Ontario and right across the country.
One of the issues I've always seen is that it doesn't seem that any government across the country or the federal government has really figured out how to utilize foreign-trained professionals. For example, I think an extreme case would be doctors. I know that in Ontario about 7% of doctors who are foreign-trained doctors actually end up being doctors in Ontario. That's a huge underutilization of a workforce and a specific group of people.
I'd like to know what the federal government is working on to accelerate credentials for foreign-trained workers. What has worked in the past, what's being identified as successful and what is being amplified or changed? For any of the witnesses, how do we align our immigration specifically to fill in those gaps where we need the specific skill sets of foreign-trained professionals?