There are several programs. For youth, we have the youth employment and skills strategy, which is actually delivered by 12 different federal departments. It has a primary focus on reaching youth who are under-represented in the labour market and providing them the additional supports required to successfully secure and sustain good jobs.
We also have a student work placement program, which helps students find work placements in their fields of study, and we prioritize youth who are under-represented in the labour market for that program as well.
With respect to women, we have launched a women's employment readiness pilot program to really explore and better understand what women from different backgrounds require as tailored supports—racialized indigenous women, women with disabilities, women from the LGBTQ2+ community. That's another area of focus.
Finally, you spoke of youth with disabilities. Youth with disabilities are a primary recipient of our opportunities fund for persons with disabilities, which provides pre-employment supports training to youth with disabilities but also works with employers to create accessible, inclusive workplaces and hire more youth with disabilities.