Thank you for that question.
We need measurable results. We need transparency around these funds. I spoke about public dollars for public good. This is exactly what we're talking about. When we talk about the definition of adequate housing, for some people being adequately housed really means being housed with supports. For some people it's just a light touch—learning the rights and responsibilities, how to be a good neighbour, how to get a bank account and being able to pay their rent every month. Some people need a lot more support. They need support for mental health and for addiction. It is about housing first, but there is no housing first without housing. There is a supply issue, but it is about the right kind of supply.
As I mentioned during my opening statement, we need measurable results. We need transparency. We need data. The non-market housing has provided all of that all along, since its investment started 60 years ago. We need to have those accountability mechanisms in place for the entire housing system to truly be able to understand. As Carolyn Whitzman says, we can't count what we don't know, and we can't address what we're not counting.