Committee members, I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 122 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
I will begin by reminding members to avoid audio feedback for the benefit and protection of our interpreters. Please follow the instructions you were given a while back. If you're not speaking, keep your mic shut off and located away from the boom. Also, avoid tapping the boom while you're speaking because it gives an echo or a noise to the interpreters. If you could follow that, please, it would be great.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format according to the rules adopted by the committee. This means that members and witnesses are appearing virtually and in the room.
I would advise those in the room to please wait until I recognize you by name. To do that, please raise your hand, and I will recognize you before giving you the floor. To those appearing virtually, please use the “raise hand” icon on your screen and wait until I recognize you.
As well, you have the option of choosing the official language of your choice. Use the interpretation services available from the headset in the room. If you're online, simply click on the globe icon on the bottom of your screen and choose the official language of your choice. If there is a breakdown or disruption in interpretation, please get my attention, and we will suspend while it is being corrected.
Those are the procedures of the committee today.
As you are aware, committee members, when the committee concluded its last meeting, it was in the process of votes in the House. I must remind members that members in the committee have the right to choose to participate in person in the chamber to vote. If they choose to do so, I will not resume the meeting until 10 minutes after the vote is completed in the House.
With that, we did not get to question the witnesses who were present. They all have been reinvited and although four did confirm, as of now, the clerk has advised me we only have two.
We have Abigail Bond, executive director, City of Toronto housing secretariat. We have Beau Jarvis, president and chief executive officer of Wesgroup Properties. We're trying to connect with Mr. Marchand from the Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services. Those are the ones who indicated they would come back.
There are no opening statements because they were able to do that at the last meeting. We'll go directly to the questioning round in this first hour of the committee.
Mr. Aitchison, I have you listed as the first questioner today. You have the floor.