Okay. Thank you.
In terms of public lands, as an indigenous organization, we believe in planning seven generations out. The public lands that have been offered have been offered on a leasehold basis, which is quite ironic, offering that to a number of non-profits but particularly to indigenous organizations. Ninety-nine years is not seven generations.
It's also, as I said, a very ironic thing to do from a very practical perspective and from a financing perspective. The last thing we want to do is set up future generations for failure. We also want to set up future generations for opportunity.
What I mean by that is this. Let's say if they were on fee simple lands, using that British legal terminology, after about 15 to 20 years of paying down a mortgage, there would be substantial equity in that development and non-profits would be able to access that equity. Either with or without government funds, or with very minimal government funds, we would be able to self-service new units after just one generation. If the federal government is beholden to a leasehold situation, we will not be able to access that equity, and that equity will sit dead, not allowing us to add future units.
I would suggest that the federal government look at a transfer of land, in particular to indigenous non-profit groups. That will set us up for the best opportunity to improve self-reliance over time and allow us to use Canada's financial institutions as a tool to help us do that in a way that is not always using government funds, frankly.