Thank you.
Thank you, MP Long. I appreciate the chance to participate in the conversation.
Mr. Marchand, I really appreciated your speaking to the reality with respect to where we stand on social housing around the world and the fact that we're at the bottom of the G7 right now. Even if we doubled it, we'd still just be middle of the pack.
I have a question with respect to a proposal I heard this summer from Habitat for Humanity. They noted that builders of purpose-built rental housing have HST/GST waived, but those who are building non-profit, affordable ownership don't. I wonder if this might also help groups like the K-W Urban Native Wigwam Project in my community, which you might be familiar with, who are also building indigenous housing.
Can you comment or give your thoughts on the possibility of the federal government applying the same waiving of HST for non-profit, affordable home ownership as well?