Outside of contract flipping, the issue of casual labour versus permanent positions is becoming more widespread. Rather than hiring for a permanent position, term positions keep getting extended over and over again. Just before a worker might be eligible for an increase in wages and some benefits, that's when their term suddenly ends, only to be renewed maybe a month down the road because they actually do still need that position.
The other piece that we spoke about earlier is the issue of gig work. When you have an employee employed as a gig worker, they are not technically employees in many instances, so those workers don't have the same rights and benefits. They don't have the same workplace safety and health protections. They don't have the same ability to garner things like vacation pay, severance pay and the protections other employees have under various legislative mechanisms.
On a federal, provincial and territorial basis, these are issues that we need to be turning our minds to. These are issues where workers are struggling to make ends meet because they are not technically permanent workers. Even organizing those kinds of workers has been more difficult.