Thank you, Mr. Chair.
It's disappointing to see the Liberals and the Conservatives continuing to team up to shut down really important conversations around workers in this country.
I want to thank all of the witnesses today. I appreciate all the outstanding work that all of you do.
I, too, wanted to follow up on a motion that I brought at the last committee meeting, when we heard about the detrimental impact of contract flipping on workers. As I said last time, we as parliamentarians must do what we can to protect workers from contract flipping. We heard about it again today.
Notice has been given, so I move:
That in the opinion of the committee the Canadian Labour Code be amended to close a loophole that annuls existing labour contracts or collective agreements when there is a change of employer for subcontractors working at Canadian airports by implementing amendments outlined in NDP PMB C-330 titled An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (successor rights and obligations—airports), and that the committee report this to the House.