Thank you very much for that. I really appreciate that, and I appreciate the personal aspect as well, because we know that these types of stresses are really hard on families, so thank you very much for sharing that.
The other thing I wanted to ask you on this is about how governments will talk about re-skilling workers. In particular, with this just transition plan, this document talks about re-skilling to other positions, such as janitor as an example, which is an important job and a very respectable job, but may or may not have the same compensation, whether it's union wages or benefits.
I'm wondering if you have seen, with some of this re-skilling, when different positions have been lost and there's a re-skilling of a position, whether it's always comparable. Is it unionized? Is it the same pay? Does it have the same benefits? Are there concerns that this really isn't what might be happening?