Thank you for the questions.
To answer the question about the large private sector companies, 410 are not in compliance with the act. This is under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. I have asked the commission for that information. It's not available. I would love to reach out to those 410 organizations and offer to help educate them about their responsibilities for compliance and to help assist them with creating the plans.
Likewise, of the small private sector companies, which include organizations with 10 to 99 employees, 644 are not in compliance. It's a much larger number.
The answer to your question is no, I can't tell you exactly what those organizations are, but I would like to know, because we would like to be part of the solution and help them come into compliance.
In terms of the culture shift, that is something that could be built into the act at this point, or there could be funding put in place within the government that encourages and supports the interventions that are going to change the attitudes of people in Canada toward those of us with disabilities. The Government of Canada has introduced and required GBA+ training to ensure that people are aware of unconscious biases; hopefully, those biases will be removed, and as a result, people in this community will be accepted and included, and we could have something—