I'm speaking specifically about the bike route and about disabled travel in general.
When I talk about a bike route, I'm thinking about something that, when it's made, considers a wheelchair, meaning things like width, being signed, and being easy to follow. The surface has to be paved; it can't be gravel.
We were cycling by a trail that goes across Canada, and honestly, it looked beautiful, but it was more for ATVs. It's not something I could access. It has to be a specific marked route.
Along the way, we should be able to find hotels, or campsites that are truly accessible and meet that standard for a shower, so that it's not just grab bars in a bath tub. It's a specific standard for travel.
Finally, flying home was so difficult. That was probably one of the hardest parts of the trip. There has to be legislation to allow someone to sit in a wheelchair on a flight. That would have made the flight home much easier for me.
I think a trail across Canada would be pretty amazing.
Thank you.