That's a very good question.
The problem is not so much that they're hidden. They're in plain sight. You know you're going to need to do a home modification. You know you're going to need to purchase a certain number of packages of a dietary supplement—Ensure, for example, or incontinence aids and stuff like that. They're not hidden costs because you know they're coming, but the part that's hidden is how high those prices will go every time you go to the grocery store.
We have seen less of it, but we're now seeing across Canada shortages of Ensure, this critical dietary supplement. In some places there were shortages and in other places the prices were skyrocketing pretty quickly, over and above the increases in the cost of living that we were living with, particularly in those periods of higher inflation.
We've started to see some of those prices stabilize and the supply chains have stabilized as well, but the base price for a lot of those aids that people with disabilities desperately need remains high.