I'm happy to jump in there, Karen. I'm sorry for the little delay in my mic.
A great example of working across the country is accessible MLS. Nova Scotia now has a fully accessible MLS. It is something we would encourage all provinces to do. Getting our provincial MLS systems to be fully accessible is something that positively impacts our cities, our towns, our provinces and our nation. That is a piece.
When it comes to building codes and acknowledging the cross-jurisdiction there, I think we need to have more persons with disabilities at the table. I think all of this comes back to being at the table.
I'd also like to touch on procurement. This was in my notes. More persons with disabilities need to be at the table when it comes to procurement. Whether it's leases for buildings federally, provincially or municipally, or whether it's purchasing equipment for offices or trying out new technologies, persons with disabilities need to be at the table.
I'd also add that we need to ensure that we're buying in greater numbers from entrepreneurs who are Canadians with disabilities. Inclusive procurement is the smartest procurement, and that's something we hope to talk a lot more about in 2025 as an organization.