The land was actually provided by the Bridge Youth Resource Centre, which was another one of the partners. They already owned the land.
In terms of where the collaboration really came in, I listened to Kevin Lee talk earlier about municipal differences in how the building code and Planning Act are applied and how they work. We worked with the town of Leamington, because they have a really innovative mindset. We were meeting with them right out of the gate and talked about how important this project was. We had all hands on deck to make sure that this made it through. Building officials were out on the site regularly.
I think my point would be that if every project, every house, was approached with the same excitement that approached this 3-D printed home, we would be able to meet our housing targets. Things were streamlined from every level. Even in working with the innovation team at CMHC versus working with other areas of CMHC, everybody was so excited about this innovative project. They were working so hard to make it succeed. I find that when I'm building my traditional homes, you don't have that enthusiasm. The process is very bogged down.
Yes, 3-D printing is great, but I strongly attribute the success of this project to the collaboration we had with the town. That's what got this done and why it was done so fast.