Yes. I would say again that when things are going well, when the market is a little stronger, it's a little easier.
Also, as I mentioned in my remarks, there's so much code change going on right now that there are not a lot of chances to try to innovate and find your own solutions to the challenges that you see. You're really just dealing with all of the code changes, which are happening really fast, and you're concerned about that. Most of those code changes are also driving up prices, unfortunately, so again it becomes more difficult to innovate and look at other technologies. If we can be a little bit wiser about what we do on the regulatory side and give the industry a chance to innovate according to its priorities, I think we'll be much better off.
It's the same with pushing on affordability. If we were pushing affordability through the code, we would see more innovation, because people would be not saying that they'll just do this to this degree, and it doesn't matter how much it costs. No, you can't do it unless it's cost-effective. That's a totally different game, and that's when you really start to see innovation.