On the innovation side of things, I'm going to start with what we have in place right now. For example, when you don't have published standards available for your technology, you can apply to the CCMC within the NRC. The CCMC process is, indeed, a long one. You're trying to cover something that is not covered by the national building code or the Ontario building code with what is still a long process. The first phase is going to take at least 18 months, and then in those 18 months they're going to tell you what tests you need to do, so it will take them 18 months to tell you what you need to test.
After that, you're going to be partnering with universities to get those tests done, and those are going to take at least two more years, maybe three, and then you will have the results to go back and apply for that certification. I don't think this is exactly something that is going to bridge the gap in technology that is not covered in the national building code, so having a process similar to the CCMC's, but faster, would be my number one wish.