Committee members, we are actually on time this morning. It is 11 o'clock, and the clerk has advised me we have a quorum.
Those members appearing virtually have been sound tested, as well as the witnesses.
With that, I will call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 132 of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format.
All witnesses, as I indicated, have been sound tested and are good to go.
I also want to remind participants to please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. As well, you have the option to participate in the official language of your choice. In the room, use the interpretation on the headset, and please select the interpretation that you will need before the meeting. For those appearing virtually, to avoid disruptions, choose the official language that you wish to participate in.
In the room, please avoid touching the microphone boom as it can lead to sound disruptions, which are harmful to the interpreters. As well, I would remind all those in the room with devices to please turn any alarms or ringtones off, because, again, they can cause hearing issues for the interpreters.
With that, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, June 3, 2024, the committee is continuing its study on the advancements in home building technologies.
I would like to welcome our witnesses who are with us this morning. For the first hour, we have Mr. Hans Jain, president, Atria Development Corporation, and Ms. Sabrina Fiorellino, chief executive officer, Fero International. In the room, we have Mr. Ian Arthur, president and chief executive officer, PrinterBuilder Consulting.
We will begin with Mr. Jain.
You have five minutes. I will remind you when your five minutes are gone to wrap up shortly afterwards.
Mr. Jain, you have five minutes for your opening statement.