I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 133 of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. All witnesses have completed the required connection test in advance of the meeting. All have been briefed on how to ensure that they are participating in the official language of their choice.
For those in the room, you can choose the interpretation from your headsets. I would advise any members in the room to check their devices and make sure the alarms are turned off so that we do not have an issue for the interpreters. As well, please refrain from tapping on the microphone boom, as it can cause issues for the interpreters.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on October 8, 2024, the committee is commencing its study of workers in the seasonal industry and the employment insurance program.
Ms. Chabot, we are commencing the study that you proposed.
In the first round we have Ms. Line Sirois, chief executive officer, Action-Chômage Côte-Nord, by video conference; Mr. Paul Pinchbeck, president and chief executive officer, Canadian Ski Council; and Mr. Fernand Thibodeau, spokesperson, Seasonal Workers Help and Support.
Each of you will have five minutes for your opening statements, followed by questions from the committee members. I will advise you of when your five minutes is over so that you can conclude your comments.