Yes. In fact, we have done some survey work around this over the last couple of years to understand what that debt load looks like. Certainly, coming out of the pandemic, when business operators from coast to coast to coast dove in, they used up any reserve funds they had. They used up their savings before they accessed any kind of government programming that would help get them through the pandemic. They used those dollars, and then they got additional loans to continue support.
In most cases, it was to ensure two things. One was that they still had a business to come back to, and the second was that they still had access to the people who helped them run that business.
It is absolutely a challenge for them. You add on top of that the higher cost of money right now, and that certainly does have an impact. What we've seen is many business owners getting back into the operations and doing some more of the frontline work, some of the back-of-house work that they would not have done prior to the pandemic because they had other staff in place to do that.