Adaptive technologies can be anything from a piece of tape you put somewhere to help with orientation for someone who is blind or partially sighted all the way up to a $10,000 piece of equipment, and more, depending on what the disability type and need is.
There are still many employers that will not hire somebody with a disability because they are afraid of the extra costs it would take to hire somebody and make the workplace accessible. On average, it's usually about $500 to accommodate a person with a disability in the workplace.
From a personal standpoint, in the home and in life in general, a national program would provide adaptive and accessible equipment to people with disabilities. There are a few provinces that have those in place, but unless you live in one of those provinces, you have to buy them yourself. A Braille display, which is a refreshable device to assist people who are blind to read Braille and books, sits in the area of about $7,000 to $9,000. The average person on assistance is not going to be able to afford that, so a national program to provide accommodating devices or accessible devices and to help employers would be very beneficial.