I am a frequent traveller, since I do international affairs, as well, for CNIB. I just got home from Peru on Friday. There wasn't enough passenger assistance, so they handed me over to a perfect stranger—another passenger. They didn't ask my permission. They said to the person, “Go and help her.” I was grabbed and marched through the Toronto airport by some stranger.
That is the type of experience that happens with programs such as the sunflower program. I believe my guide dog identifies me as a person with a disability. I don't need a sign telling people I have a disability. I think it's important to have it in order to help other people.
Attitude is the only thing that's going to change this world. There's no other way. We need finances, resources, support and legislation, but all of that comes, originally, from positive attitudes and the right attitude. If that's not there, it's not going to change.