Thank you very much.
As my colleague said, if you have any other thoughts, please ensure that you write to this committee. It's good that we were able to keep this study open so that you were able to come here and be with us today. Thank you very much.
I know we're in the last few minutes of this meeting and the last bit of my questioning here, Mr. Chair. In light of the developments of this week, I would like to move the following motion:
Given that
(a) the Liberal government purchased a $9-million condo on Billionaires Row in New York City for the consul general, Tom Clark;
(b) it was revealed that Tom Clark pays only $1,800 per month for the Billionaires Row luxury condo;
(c) average rent in Canada is now nearly $2,200 per month;
(d) as part of the agreement, Clark pays only $1,800 in rent, $400 dollars less than the average rent payment in Canada; and
(e) as a result, the Liberals are effectively using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Tom Clark’s rent in a $9-million condo, on which, if a Canadian citizen purchased it, the monthly mortgage cost would be roughly $42,000 per month;
the committee report to the House that it condemns this blatant abuse of taxpayer dollars at a time when Canadians back home are facing the doubling of rent prices across the country that is at near-historic highs.
That's the end of the motion, Mr. Chair. Really quickly, this is not a study to take time away from the committee. It should be in order. It simply requests reporting this to the House. I hope we can take care of this very quickly at the end of this meeting.
Thank you.