Good morning, committee members.
The clerk has advised me that we have a quorum and that the witnesses are all appearing in the room. We have two members appearing virtually. They have been sound tested and approved.
With that, I will call meeting number 136 of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities to order.
As I indicated, today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the procedures adopted by the House of Commons. You have the option to participate in the official language of your choice by using translation services in the room on the headset. For those appearing virtually, click on the globe icon at the bottom of your Surface tablet to choose the official language of your choice.
If there's an interruption, please get my attention by raising your hand. We'll suspend while it is being corrected. I would like to advise those in the room with devices to please turn any alarms or whatever other noises come from your Surface tablets or mobile devices off, so that they do not cause an issue for the translation services.
Please, to get my attention, raise your hand in the room or use the “raise hand” symbol on your Surface and I will recognize you. Wait until I recognize you by name before you proceed.
Please refrain from touching the boom on your mic because it does cause a popping sound.
This morning's HUMA meeting is together. Pursuant to Standing Order 81(5) and the motion that was adopted by the committee on September the 17, 2024, the committee is commencing consideration of supplementary estimates (B) and ministerial priorities for the return of Parliament and their mandates.
With us today is the Honourable Stephen MacKinnon, Minister of Labour and Seniors.
Is this your first opportunity before HUMA?
I thought so. Welcome, Minister, to HUMA. In the past, we have sat at similar tables.
With him is chief financial officer, Mr. Wojo Zielonka; Ms. Elisha Ram, senior assistant deputy minister, income security and social development; and Mr. Gary Robertson, senior assistant deputy minister, policy, dispute, resolution and international affairs.
Minister, you have five minutes to give opening comments. The floor is yours.