Good question.
Unfortunately, we haven't received much data. Our only data comes from the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail, or CNESST, which manages all these files in Quebec.
We managed to find a great deal of data confirming—this isn't news to anyone—the increase in workplace violence, for example. Of course, we're analyzing the data to determine the types of trauma experienced in the workplace. However, there isn't much data on the extension of the time frame to two years. The data available comes from organizations such as Cindy Viau's group, which I referred to earlier this morning.
Ms. Viau told us that Quebec's experience with the two‑year deadline has been conclusive. Very few people come to her organization and realize that they have run out of time to file a complaint. Her organization receives very few cases of this nature. In other words, the two‑year deadline works. However, she pointed out that the three‑month time limit meant that many people actually exceeded the deadline. She recommended that we introduce a two‑year deadline, as is currently the case in Quebec.