Psychological harassment, sexual harassment and workplace violence are not just a sign of the times. This behaviour has been going on for a long time. It needs to be stopped and stamped out. I think that, in order to do that, everyone must first be able to put a name to what is happening in their workplace.
You're absolutely right: The data is troubling. I looked at the data from the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, a well-regarded public institution in Quebec that ensures that workers are informed, compensated and protected. What you noticed in Statistics Canada's data has also been observed in Quebec.
Federally regulated businesses or organizations must submit reports to the government, and indeed, the data reveals marked increases in all kinds of workplace harassment or violence. I will choose my words carefully: It is a scourge. This is something we are seeing a lot of, whether it be in our personal lives, our lives in civil society or in any aspect of our public‑facing lives, particularly on social media. The workplace is no different.
We believe that this bill provides a toolbox and sends the message that any complacency towards workplace harassment and violence is over. There must be zero tolerance for that sort of behaviour. Let's give former employees the time they need to express their views and rights in this regard, because right now, they have virtually no opportunity to do so.