It varies from person to person.
I will give you an overview of what we see most of the time.
I did of course mention the most common problems. There are often symptoms related to those problems. There are obviously a lot of psychological effects. People who experience symptoms of depression experience a loss of interest, have trouble getting up in the morning and trouble looking after themselves. People might also have trouble preparing meals for themselves and with their personal hygiene. They get to that point. Some people are even unable to go out of their home.
Post-traumatic stress includes a range of issues for victims: They may find it hard to think about the events again and to return to places that remind them of the events. People have nightmares and trouble sleeping. They might also relive an event. There is also the issue of anxiety, which is very prominent, loss of self-esteem, doubting their professional abilities, their ability to go back to work or hold a job.
There can also be various physical effects of what people experienced. They can have physical symptoms such as stomach aches, headaches, loss of energy and difficulty functioning.
In view of all these symptoms, people might have to go on disability leave, which affects them financially since it makes it harder for them to support themselves.