If you'll allow me, I'll answer with an example, as I feel it will be simpler that way.
So I'll take the example of a lady who experienced psychological harassment at work, without going into details for the sake of confidentiality. She really did develop a major depressive disorder, and by the time she was able to contact us for a little help, over six months had passed. Following the events and the end of her job, she needed all her energy to get out of bed. She wasn't able to look after herself or cook for herself. She had no support around her, and spent most of her days sleeping and trying to attend to her needs. As part of her medical follow-up, she was given antidepressants. However, it's usually only after four to eight weeks that antidepressants begin to produce noticeable effects and enable a person to function in life again.
By the time people get to us, they're starting to cope a bit. They begin to understand that something has happened to them at work. They're able to think about it and see that what led to the end of their job was really not right, and they ask us for help.
In the case of the lady in question, as it had taken her three months to manage to regain enough control of her life to successfully leave her home, it was impossible to take any action given that the deadline was also three months. Even on the side of our health remedies, whose time limit is currently six months, it was too late and there was nothing more we could do in terms of claims.
People who want to file a complaint about what they've experienced and who were working under provincial regulations have two years to do so. For them to file a complaint, they have to put their experiences on paper. So automatically, we have to ask them to relive the difficult situation they experienced.
This is the kind of challenge we face.