Thank you for that question. Exactly what you said is what goes through my mind, and that's why I find it very ironic and, quite frankly, just hypocritical for them to talk about supporting Canadians.
You're right. Their so-called slogan of fixing the budget, we know what it means. We saw it every step of the way. They say they'd “axe the tax” when they had an opportunity. We have a GST tax cut that we put forward. They voted against that. There was a middle-class tax cut, and they voted against that. The Canada child benefit, which is lifting hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty, they voted against that.
To talk about seniors' pensions, the leader was in the party when they went to Davos. Harper went to Davos and announced that he was going to raise the age of retirement to 67 from 65. We reversed that. We enhanced the guaranteed income supplement; they voted against that. We increased the old age security pension by 10% permanently for seniors aged 75 plus; they voted against that.
On the dental care plan, I saw the Leader of the Opposition laugh in the House of Commons and say that dental care doesn't exist. Tell that to the people in our communities, persons with disabilities whom I met, who said that, for the first time, they went to the dentist because of the supports we put forward. They voted against that. They simply think it doesn't exist; however, 1.2 million people have accessed it.
You talked about pharmacare; they voted against that. Every step of the way we have put forward.... There's $6.1 billion for the Canada disability benefit. They talk about how we're not doing enough. The Leader of the Opposition, Pierre Poilievre, was actually responsible for ESDC when he was a minister. He left money for disability supports because they wanted to fix the budget and balance the books. They left that money rather than spending that on the most vulnerable in our communities.
To your point about the rhetoric that we hear from the other side, it's just ridiculous because we know that, every step of the way, they voted against measures we put forward to support Canadians. That's the work that we need to do: to constantly fight against the rhetoric that's coming from the other side. They're not in it for anyone. They're in it for only themselves.
I'm surprised they're even allowed to ask questions, if they don't follow the parroting of the same agenda that their leader puts forward. You know this, as an incredible housing advocate. You've seen that, at any chance they had, they were writing messages and sending letters of support to my colleague the housing minister about the housing accelerator fund in their communities. However, their leader told them, “You can't do that anymore.” They can't advocate for their own constituents. That's the kind of party you're dealing with in the Conservative Party of Canada. It's quite shameful that they pretend they care about Canadians but, at every step of the way, they vote against them.