All of these agreements are certainly on CMHC's website. You can definitely see what the cities have committed to.
There is some very transformational.... We talked earlier about AI permitting. Certainly, that's a very good example that is drastically accelerating permitting. We've seen densification to four units as-of-right. That's another one. There are definitely some movements in terms of requirements like parking.
One of the elements of the housing accelerator fund is that everybody signing an agreement through this program has a commitment to build a housing assessment plan, which is something not all cities had in the past. This means understanding the housing needs in their communities and the links to infrastructure needs in their communities, and knowing their forecast for housing based on type and population growth over the next few years. That's something we are gathering through this program and having cities build. That's very transformational in nature—having a bigger picture of the housing needs in Canada.