I think right now where we find ourselves is feeling that people are listening and hearing our concerns. We certainly appreciate the opportunity to present to you today and at other parliamentary committees, as well as in other contexts.
I think the concern and the challenge you're hearing from all of us is how we can move from laying these problems out to the actions and solutions to solve them.
I think, as Mr. Villeneuve said, these are not necessarily new issues. We've been talking about the same things now for a long time. The same issues keep coming up. If anything, I think the pandemic has made the issues more acute. It's brought them more to the awareness of the average Canadian at home, who's been hearing about this every day.
I think the challenge our organizations are finding is how to move from having our concerns heard and the opportunity to share what we're finding and learning on the ground, [Technical difficulty—Editor] to help us solve these problems. I think where we find ourselves today is really needing to move to action.
And our concern, I believe, is that if we stay with the status quo, we're very close to having Canadians not being able to access care at all in different contexts. I think that's extremely worrisome for the future.