I think it's broken down into the rising complexity of care. Honestly, we are seeing exacerbated symptoms because people who may have been been treated earlier have waited longer. People are presenting with much more complex, deeper issues around substance abuse and misuse and larger degrees of homelessness and not being adequately housed. They are fearful of coming in, perhaps because of pandemic issues, and we're trying to reach them virtually, which is not enough.
Sometimes virtual services can work for mild to moderate depression or anxiety, but when you're dealing with complex care issues, you need to see them in person to be able to assess them fully.
We've had challenges among our staff who are feeling that there's moral distress and that they can't meet the needs of all Canadians or the people whom they serve. That's very heartbreaking for people. They come into this profession to make a difference, and when they see the wait-list growing and they see the complexity, it can be disheartening.
In our homelessness programs, we've also had significant challenges with housing affordability. In the region of York, affordable housing doesn't exist. Even with rent supplements, ODSP and other benefits, we still cannot find safe and affordable housing. Again, this is a moral distress, and a strong housing strategy that creates affordable and supportive housing for each and every Canadian is essential for us to take care of the most complex individuals. Our staff are burnt out, but our staff work tirelessly to try to address these issues.
Thank you.