Thanks, Chair.
Thanks, Ms. Collins, for coming and speaking to us today, and thanks for your support. To my understanding, your ex-partner was military.
From personal experience, military people can't do their job without the support of their families. I know that it's so difficult when members are facing this and family members end up dealing with post-traumatic stress and other types of challenges that come with supporting somebody in the military lifestyle.
I know that you were doing this as part of your Ph.D. You indicated on your application that you were in the process. Have you finished your Ph.D.? I ask because the angle here, not just from the academic perspective and your sharing it with us here at this committee and through the award, is whether or not your information been shared with Veterans Affairs Canada already and with others, with the Canadian Armed Forces directly or with the military family resource centres. I'm wondering where the information has gone and what kind of feedback you've received to date.
I have a subsequent follow-up.