I'm happy to take my spot wherever that chain of command puts me.
Thank you so much for the question. What's very important to understand about the part of the bill that would create the new criminal offences around intimidation of health care workers and those seeking health services, and also the obstruction of those who are trying to access health care facilities, is that the focus of these amendments is on threatening and intimidating behaviour. We know that the obstruction offence does not apply to persons who are merely at a place to communicate information, so peaceful protest that is lawful and has only a minor impact on access is not going to be caught. As I have been able to state in response to an earlier question, this also means that people are able to exercise their labour rights, including their right to picket. As long as they're doing so peacefully, they're not going to be caught by the offences.
Just to sum up, the purpose is to try to capture threatening conduct where there is violence or a threat of violence, and not at all to touch on people's peaceful assembly and freedom of expression rights.