I thank the honourable member for the question.
First of all, I think what Mr. Kmiec has gone through on a personal level is gut-wrenching; I can't imagine. I commend you and the members of your caucus for the amount of solidarity you've shown him. I've certainly heard from many members from your caucus who have approached me and talked about this on a deeply personal level. Let me say outright that I am fully prepared to take up the issue and give it all the consideration it deserves. I am very much open to seeing what we can do here.
As you pointed out, there are time constraints. We are keenly aware of that. I think this is an excellent opportunity and it makes a whole lot of sense, so let's see if we are able to accommodate it here.
Just for the edification of members, federally regulated employees are currently entitled to up to 10 days of bereavement leave in the event of a death of an immediate family member. In the event an employee is on compassionate care leave or leave related to critical illness and the family member they are caring for dies, then they are entitled to take bereavement leave.
That's where things stand right now. We are certainly open.