Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My question will be for Mr. Jean-Pierre Racette.
Thank you, Mr. Racette, for your presentation today. Indeed, we see a lot of gentrification because rents are becoming more and more expensive and people are living further and further away, and that can have an impact on climate change.
I'd like to come back in particular to the issue of funding. You talked a bit about it at the end, but you ran out of time. Today's study is about how we can ensure that the housing accelerator fund will in fact support the rapid creation of housing units.
Do you believe that a fund like the one that was created to quickly address the COVID‑19 pandemic could more quickly distribute funds to current projects?
Could you talk to us about the context surrounding funding? How can we better support you?
I must tell you that you only have one minute to answer, as I'm sharing my speaking time with my colleague, Mr. Collins. I know you well, so don't go on too long.