Allow me to answer your question.
This was one of the most important issues. In fact, Mrs. Kusie asked me what had come out of the consultations, and one of the key things was that people wanted that close relationship with the process. Minister Duclos said at the time that it was to somewhat humanize this whole administrative apparatus. You're right to point out the lack of details in this regard.
We don't want to relive what we went through with the SST with a new structure that would be autonomous, that would do more or less what it wants. We want to avoid being told that full‑time members are only there temporarily, that everyone will be part‑time next year and that the structure will be well distributed across the territory.
However, once the machine is gone, when you no longer have any leverage or oversight, you are in trouble. We were in that situation with the SST. It's important to remember that the minister had to ask for an independent inquiry in order to get the facts, because he might not have had them elsewhere.
We are asking that the necessary time be taken to do the exercise properly this time. I don't think it's in vain, because I think it's important to make sure that all parties are involved in the process and that the outcome reflects the intentions and objectives that were set out initially.