Yes. It is also my understanding that within the current debt structure those rates were frozen for all contributors during the pandemic. We are grateful for this, but that is set to lapse this September 2022. The concern is that you can actually legislatively only increase the rates over a seven-year period by a certain amount. To cover the current debt alone, those rates would have to rise at a rate higher than the legislated amount. Again, this is before we do anything else about expanding eligibility with the expansions that are discussed in sections 26 and 27.
We have strongly urged, as we move forward, not to look at all of these little compartments, but to look at the EI system as a whole in that process of modernizing it.
There's a whole piece as well—an important piece—around modernizing the software and the platform that form the basis of this. There are a lot of costs going on and on, and we're not seeing how that's going to be covered or what's coming off the books.