Thank you for your questions and comments. Thank you also for invoking the sweet memory of my daughter.
From what people have told me about their experience, they are able to heal better when they know that there is hope, that they have a safety net and, above all, that they will not be tormented by financial uncertainty.
People who are sick already have to deal with medical uncertainties. That is enough. Most people I heard on television or on the radio said they nearly went bankrupt, were at the bottom of the barrel, financially speaking. That does not speed up their convalescence.
Although I did not meet that many people—I spoke more than listened, unfortunately—, most of them said that this highlights the duty to respond to this problem the right way. As I said earlier, we must not stop at half measures. We have to keep going.
I hope the party in power can understand this situation. Once again, it is important, because there are real people behind the masks.