Yes, there are other sources of information. I mentioned in the beginning that one thing we've been doing is working with the disabilities community for them to help us understand this issue. Rather than telling them what's right for them, we want them to tell us what they think is going to work best for the community.
There are groups, like Disability without Poverty, who are doing a lot of analysis. They share it with us. We do a lot of analyses, as my colleague talked about, looking at how people interact with the market basket measure. We're working closely with provinces to understand how their programming works. It's an unbelievable amount of analysis.
The goal really is to change the lives of the disabilities community in Canada, who live in poverty in such larger numbers than the rest of the population and need the support. I can't tell you who's going to be eligible. I can't tell you how much, but I can tell you that we're going through a very deliberative, detailed process to understand how this should work best so it can benefit people.