It's a great question. Thank you.
Working backwards, in terms of the approach to the engagement we've done so far, we've done it thematically. We've asked questions to provide the community with the opportunity to give us their perspective. As we get into the regulatory process, we will provide more detailed information that will enable us to engage more specifically on proposals for the regulations.
In terms of working age, you're right; it does not define it in the legislation. The intent, in terms of trying to target this population, is that there are benefits for children up to age 18 in Canada, through the Canada child benefit and the child disability benefit. There are benefits for seniors over the age of 65. The gap we are trying to fill is in that age group in between, where there are currently no federal benefits that are specifically targeted to that population, unless they've been in the workforce and have access to programs such as Canada pension disability or EI sickness, for example.